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    Workshop Report: Civilizing Resource Investments and Extractive Industries: Societal Negotiations and the Role of Law – 22.-23.09.2016, at the Center for Development Research, University of Bonn
    05.10.2016 GGCDS, TGCL | Brendan Proctor

    The accelerating global scramble for natural resources has continued to push the accumulation of land and other natural resources to ever new frontiers, especially the ‘global south’. Increasing investments in the global south were driven by the availability of resources and the increased profitability of investments in ‘risky’ environments during periods of raw material price […]


    2016 Summer School of the Ghanaian-German Centre of Excellence for Development Studies
    02.08.2016 GGCDS | Brendan Proctor

    The Ghanaian-German Centre of Excellence for Development Studies is a collaborative venture between the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana and the Centre for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany. The Centre is being funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the Centres of Excellence for Teaching […]


    Workshop on ‘ Civilizing Resource Investmnet and Extractive Industries’ by ZEF and the GGCDS, Bonn, 22.09-23.09.16
    13.07.2016 GGCDS | Brendan Proctor

    Dear colleagues, this is to inform you about a workshop  ‘Civilizing Resource Investments and Extractive Industries: Societal Negotiations and the Role of Law’ that is organized by ZEF and the Ghanain-German Center for Development Studies at ZEF, Bonn, 22.-23-09.2016. The workshop brings together experts, activists, and post-graduate students. Interested colleagues and students could apply for […]


    The Ghanaian-German Centre for Development Studies
    21.06.2016 GGCDS | Brendan Proctor

    The Ghanaian-German Centre for Development Studies was established in 2008 and addresses development related challenges by offering an interdisciplinary PhD programme. Each year up to 5 scholarships can be awarded. The german partner is the University of Bonn, (South-East Asien Studies, Department of Political and Cultural Change). To read more about the programme click here: […]

