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    8th CEMEREM Summer School on Circular Economy
    16.07.2024 CEMEREM | Jiangxue Liu

    The 8th CEMEREM Summer School on "Circular Economy" was successfully held in Germany from 1st to 5th July 2024. The event welcomed 14 students and…


    CEMEREM: E-Learning Training for TTU Staff at Nelson Mandela University a Success
    18.06.2024 CEMEREM | Nashon Adero

    Over the period 11-14 June 2024, five staff from Taita Taveta University (TTU) attended e-learning training at Nelson Mandela University as part of the DIGI-FACE initiative. Rediscovering the inspiring examples was more than just a trip; it was an eye-opening experience that highlighted growth and potential. Much appreciation and gratitude goes to CEMEREM and DIGI-FACE for this empowering initiative towards realising digital fluency in higher education.


    Call for Application: CEMEREM Alumni Seminar 2024 on Life-Long Learning
    11.06.2024 CEMEREM, General - DAAD | Jiangxue Liu

    Venue: Taita Taveta University, Voi, Kenya Dates of the Seminar: October 7 - 11, 2024 Welcome to the world of life-long learning! It is the…


    E-Learning Training at Nelson Mandela University
    06.06.2024 CEMEREM, DIGI-FACE, Education | Nashon Adero

    Remotopia, or remote working, has become a buzzword. In a world becoming increasingly connected through a meshed network of digital spaces, a progressive realisation of the metaverse concept, universities cannot be left behind if they are to produce market-ready graduates for the new borderless knowledge generation and research environment. Proficiency in utilising digital tools to enhance learning outcomes is critical to reaching new heights of excellence for any modern university.


    CEMEREM to Select a New Cohort of MSc and MBA Scholars
    29.03.2024 CEMEREM, Education, General - DAAD, Scholarships | Nashon Adero

    We received a substantial number of applications from individuals eager to contribute to the natural resources sector in East Africa, recognising it as a treasure trove of invaluable natural capital. The oral interview dates have been scheduled for April 4 and April 11. 2024.


    Call for Application: Alumni Seminar at University of Johannesburg, South Africa on 4 – 8 December 2023
    26.10.2023 Alumni, CEMEREM, General - DAAD | Jiangxue Liu

    Water in Africa in Balance with Human Needs and Nature Over 300 million Africans have no access to clean and safe drinking water, while 700…


    CEMEREM’s 4th Biennial International Conference
    20.10.2023 CEMEREM | Jiangxue Liu

    The Future of Mining and Natural Resource Management in Africa From October 3rd to 6th, 2023, CEMEREM held successfully its 4th Biennial International Conference in…


    Findings on addressing youth unemployment through higher education curricula
    19.10.2023 CEMEREM, Education | Nashon Adero

    A completed 2021 nationwide youth survey in Kenya (aged 18-35) that was supported under the 2020 ACCESS Idea Competition found a general disagreement to the thesis that higher education would guarantee a good job in Kenya, with an average score of 2.5 on a scale of 1 (strong disagreement) to 5 (strong agreement). The study confirmed that attitudes towards TVET have been changing positively given the promise for skills and jobs. A total share of 79% would be ready to give up their university admission to join TVET institutions instead given the promise of skills development and matching jobs: very readily (19%), readily (28%), probably (32%), and not at all (21%). On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 4 (very readily), the weighted mean was 2.5 out of 4.


    7th CEMEREM Summer School on Circular Economy
    27.07.2023 CEMEREM, General - DAAD | Jiangxue Liu

    The 7th CEMEREM Summer School on "Circular Economy" was successfully held in Germany from 17th to 21st July 2023. The event welcomed 15 students and…


    Advancing Mining and Natural Resource Management Education and Research: TU Bergakademie Freiberg Professors Engage with Senior Government Officials during Visit to Taita Taveta University
    09.04.2023 CEMEREM, Education | Nashon Adero

    Two professors from the Technical University and Mining Academy, Freiberg (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), Germany, visited Taita Taveta University (TTU), Kenya, as part of the key…

