Content and Goals
Efficient logistics are pivotal in gaining access to regional and international markets. Both the population and industry depend on goods and commodities being available in sufficient volume and in good time. Logistics, therefore, play a key role in the continuing economic development of southern Africa.
Building a bridge between southern Africa’s coastal region and the inner continental countries, Namibia is ideally placed for addressing logistical questions. However, the logistics industry has far from exhausted its potential and still has much more to offer. The greatest obstacles lie in the lack of logistical knowhow and a shortage of professionals.
The Namibian-German Centre for Logistics (NGCL) was inaugurated in May 2009 specifically to tackle this problem. This
centre of excellence aims at training logistics specialists and professionals and offer its expertise for Africa. The centre of excellence provides specialised knowledge, advises both authorities and companies alike, thereby contributing significantly to the region’s economic development.
The following services are offered by the centre:
- Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Logistics
- Demand-orientated in-house training and certified courses for professionals
- Technology transfer and development of technological solutions adapted to the specific local needs