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    Centre of Excellence for ICT in East Africa (CENIT@EA)

    CENIT@EA Overview

    CENIT@EA was launched in late 2017. The centre was established for several reasons which include:

    • Aiming at strengthening teaching and research in the field of embedded and mobile systems in East Africa
    • Facilitating the collaboration between academia and industry for improved capability and efficiency in solving societal and industry-related challenges

    CENIT@EA was established in cooperation with the Inter University Council of East Africa (IUCEA), German Development Agency (GIZ), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and an academic consortium which is composed of:

    • CENIT@EA host institution, the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
    • CENIT@EA Academic Coordinator, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
    • The University of Dar es Salaam
    • The University of Technology and Arts in Byumba (UTAB)
    • The University of Applied Sciences Mannheim
    • The German Aerospace Center (DLR)

    In July 2021 the CENIT@EA project entered its second phase, themed Digital Skills for an Innovative East African Industry (dskills@EA-CENIT@EA). This phase builds and expands on CENIT@EA project activities including: further facilitation of the MSc. EMoS programme, improving CENIT@EA’s societal and industrial collaboration at local, regional, and international levels as well as developing participants’ digital skills to improve youth employment and entrepreneurship in the EAC region.

    Programmes and How to Apply

    CENIT@EA offers a two-year master’s degree in Embedded and Mobile Systems that is geared towards the needs of the private and public sector in East Africa. EMoS is a regional program. It is a practical-based, industry responsive, technical master’s programme which is designed to create an Academia for Society and Industry. The Centre achieves this by increasing knowledge, skills and competencies in Embedded and Mobile Systems and by developing skills that are relevant to industry, the entrepreneurial sphere and the community. This improves the employability of graduates.

    The master’s degree includes elements such as:

    • An internship
    • An applied master’s thesis
    • Summer schools
    • Guest lecturers from the private and public sector
    • Entrepreneurial and soft skills training

    These elements enable students to develop and marketize digital solutions, that are crucial for the transformation of industries and the development of the region. The EMoS programme is structured in academic modules which includes distinctive and integrative courses with high educational and practical content that address the local and regional development needs and challenges.

    The programme includes a variety of courses and it focusses on four major topics, which are highly relevant to current industry issues:

    • Mobile Computing
    • Embedded Systems
    • Soft Skills
    • Basic Skills

    The MSc. EMoS programme is aimed at graduates who hold a first academic degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM), as well as professionals working in academia or in the private and public sector. CENIT@EA especially aims to strengthen the role of women in STEM-related fields and the ICT sector. Female graduates are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.

    •  For more information, please visit our website: CENIT@EA

    •  Interested students can apply through:  NM-AIST Online Admission System

    •  MSc. EMoS Admission process is handled by NM-AIST: NM-AIST Website


    CENIT@EA supports capacity building, digital skills accelerator events as well as industrial placement for students. To date the centre has facilitated several events including: innovation promotion, entrepreneurship, android programming, summer schools, student participation in regional summits, data science and guest lectures in various areas related to Embedded and Mobile Systems. The centre has also secured various industrial partnerships in the region.

    The MSc. EMoS curriculum is continuously improved through systematic reviews. The Centre supports innovation management for students and graduates with start-up plans, as well as offering training courses to improve practical digital skills that are in demand in the business world. The Centre is working towards establishing: a career service unit, an alumni work centre and a didactic centre. Digital skills are invaluable and we at CENIT@EA see to it that we positively contribute towards building these skills.

    42 EMoS New Graduates at CENIT@EA

    On 18 August 2022, 42 students of the first and second cohort of the Embedded and Mobile System (EMoS) Master’s Programme, officially graduated from the…


    Int`l Conference on Embedded and Mobile Systems at CENIT@EA, Nov 2022
    Flyer ICTA-EMoS

    From 24 - 25 November, the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) welcomes ICT experts to the 1st International Conference on Technological…


    Call for Applications for Master in Embedded and Mobile Systems in Tanzania
    Call for Applications EMoS

    The call for the 5th cohort for a Master Programme in Embedded and Mobile Systems at the Centre of Excellence for ICT in East Africa,…


    4th cohort of scholarship holders starts at CENIT@EA
    EMoS students of the 4th cohort at NM-AIST

    From January 10 - 14 2022, the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technolgy (NM-AIST) held their Welcome Week for the new academic year…


    Congratulations to University of Oldenburg and Nelson Mandela African Institute for Science and Technology!

    Congratulations to University of Oldenburg and Nelson Mandela African Institute for Science and Technology! DAAD and IUCEA jointly launched a call for tender for a…


    Call for applications out now! “Centre of Excellence in ICT in East Africa” for the establishement of a Master´s Programme in embedded and mobile Systems

    The call has officially been launched on the DAAD Website!


    COMING SOON: Call for applications – East African-German University partnership for development of MA in Embedded and Mobile Systems

    Please see attached file for Details! Announcement


    Accommodation facilities

    Accommodation facilities

    Group work

    Celebrating International Women's Day

    NM-AIST entrance

    Our students

    Outreach module at EAC - Students, Supervisors and Lecturers

    Group work - Community engagement

    Project group work

    Second cohort - Students and Lecturers

    Student participation in Summits

    Our Members and Alumni strive for Excellence

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    Grace Kamotho
    Geofrey Egesa E-Learning Administrator Uganda Management Institute
    IMMACULATE KAMUSIIME Student The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
    MSc. Zacharie Niyonzima
    Dieudonné Yav Muchail PhD Student The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
    Alphonsina Shiyo IT Technician
    Raiton Ambele
    Dr. John Tarus Lecturer Moi University President Internet Society, Kenya Chapter
    Mr Dickson Kipketer
    venance timothy