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    Preparing agricultural students for the challenges of entrepreneurship: first series of comprehensive training sessions organized by ProRUWA/UAC, Benin
    08.10.2024 General - DAAD, PRO-RUWA | Sandrine Houessou

    It is always a real pleasure to share with you the activities and initiatives we are undertaking to support youth in their professional development. As…


    Exciting Update: 2024 Second Edition of the General and Professional English Training with ProRUWA!
    09.09.2024 General - DAAD, PRO-RUWA | Sandrine Houessou

    Following the success of our first edition in 2023, which certified 45 participants, the ProRUWA (Promoting Academic Capacities for Sustainable Agricultural Resources Use in West…


    ProRUWA initiative to empowering young agronomists: A Visit to the Glo-Djigbé Industrial Zone (GDIZ), Benin
    04.09.2024 General - DAAD, PRO-RUWA | Sandrine Houessou

    As part of its activities to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit of young agronomists, the ProRUWA (Promoting Academic Capacities for Sustainable Agricultural Resources use in West…


    Atelier sur Moodle Novembre 2023 : Appel à candidatures
    07.11.2023 CCAM, DIGI-FACE, General - DAAD, PRO-RUWA, WAC-SRT | Elisa Adams

    Cet atelier s'adresse au personnel académique et administrative des Centres d'Excellence Francophones et les passionnés de l’apprentissage en ligne qui souhaitent améliorer leur maîtrise de…


    Curricula review & development Workshop at the School of Science and Technology of Animal Production (ESTPA, FSA, Bénin)
    28.11.2022 DIGI-FACE, General - DAAD, PRO-RUWA | Sandrine Houessou

    On November 10, 11, and 12, 2022, a curriculum review and development workshop was held at the School of Science and Technology of Animal Production…


    Advanced GIS course development on the DIGI-FACE moodle platform – Launching activities 2022
    31.10.2022 DIGI-FACE, PRO-RUWA | Omobayo Ghislain Zoffoun

    By Omobayo Ghislain ZOFFOUN During 21 July, 29-31 August and 14 September 2022, with support of DIGI-FACE, Pro-RUWA staff in Benin join online training on…


    DIGI-FACE better known at the University of Abomey-Calavi
    28.10.2022 DIGI-FACE, PRO-RUWA | Omobayo Ghislain Zoffoun

    Pro-RUWA_2-1-1024x683.jpgDownload By Wilfried H. NASSI CAKPO Under the direction of the DIGI-Face coordination, a series of information sessions on the benefits of the DIGI-Face platform…

