By Wilfried H. NASSI CAKPO

Under the direction of the DIGI-Face coordination, a series of information sessions on the benefits of the DIGI-Face platform were organized in order to increase the visibility of this platform. These sessions aimed at informing the participants of the existence of the DIGI-Face platform, presenting them the opportunities it offers and introducing them to its use. Thus, a total of 10 information sessions gathering more than 250 participants (students, professors, administrative staff members) were organized. These exchanges allowed to bring the existence of the DIGI-Face platform to the participants’ attention and to have an in-depth discussion with them. In addition, these sessions were also an opportunity to popularize the Pro-RUWA Center of Excellence, which until then was little known to the general public. With the assistance of the Pro-RUWA coordination team in Benin (Professor Luc Hippolyte DOSSA and Doctor Sandrine HOUESSOU), the participants were thus instructed on the objectives and actions of the Pro-RUWA Center of Excellence during these sessions. The sessions took place in a friendly atmosphere because the participants welcomed this beautiful initiative of creation of the said platform.

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  1. This is a great opportunity for members of Pro-RUWA and of Abomey-Calavi University to discover the diverse features of DIGI-FACE and its benefits for the administration (easy way to manage curriculums), the lecturers (more time for publications and conferences for instance), and the students (learning at own pace in an innovative an interactive environment).

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