By Dr. Ama Pokuaa Fenny, GGCDS ISSER

E-Learning has been well embraced in the center as a teaching method, however, there are few challenges that students both in and outside campus experience. Additionally, because graduate students at the Center are not many,  Face to Face methods of teaching has resumed but there is need to stimulate interest and still make online teaching relevant. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning as a learning tool and to help gather information to improve e-learning among lecturers and students at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER). 

The survey sampled all Masters and PhD students at ISSER using a questionnaire. The questionnaire aimed to identify the effectiveness of various online tools and technologies, the preferred learning methods of students, and other factors that might influence the teaching–learning process. Overall, there were 32 responses, 19 Masters and 13 PhD students. 

The results show that although all the students had internet access, about 45% did not have access to high-speed internet which meant they had some technical challenges with online learning system. However, majority were satisfied with the technical support from the staff. Also, it was comparably cheaper using eLearning than coming to campus for face-to-face courses due to high transportation costs. In line with this, there was a recommendation that at least 30% of all courses at the Centre could be converted to DIGI-FACE so that students benefit also from added-value of eLearning. 

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