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    West African German Centre for Local Governance in Africa (CEGLA)

    Building Bridges for Local Excellence

    French speaking countries in Africa like Mali, Niger, and Senegal face recurring challenges in social, economic, environmental, and security aspects. These issues affect both Africa and Europe due to their proximity, leading to difficult living conditions, eroded trust in governments, and significant migration.

    To tackle these problems, essential elements for successful development strategies in West African countries include decentralisation, good governance, democratisation of local governments, and promoting the rule of law. Efficient service delivery to local populations is also vital.

    To address the growing demand for knowledge and skills in good governance, sustainable development, and public financial management, the partner universities and research institutions in Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Germany are collaborating to establish innovative Master’s programmes focusing on Local Governance and Local Public Management

    The CEGLA project focusses on the development of

    • Presence Master’s programmes in Local Governance and Public Management in the partner universities in Mali, Niger and Senegal
    • A joint Blended Learning Master’s programme in Local Governance and Public Management combining the advantages of e-learning and face-to-face learning
    • PhD and research programmes centred around decentralisation, local governance and sustainable development
    • Further training courses for improving skills of local public employees

    CEGLA’s efforts are grounded in effective development approaches like decentralisation, constitutional governance, and collaborative democratic planning within municipalities.

    Through these strategies, CEGLA significantly addresses the rising need for capable, accountable local personnel, aiming to promptly deliver essential services to the population.


    Programmes and How to Apply

    ***Please note that the CEGLA website is not fully accessible at the moment. It is currently being restructured.***

    • Master’s programmes

    The CEGLA via the University of Legal and Political Sciences of Bamako (USJPB), the Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey (UAM) and the African Centre for Higher Studies in Management (CESAG) offers the Master’s degree in “Decentralisation and Local Governance”. This course aims at strengthening the capacities of future and current civil servants working in local authorities and in deconcentrated administrations, in order for them to become the key stakeholders for a successful decentralisation and local development.

    • PhD programmes

    Although almost non-existent as a focus of research interest, it has recently emerged in sub-Saharan Africa, and particularly in French-speaking West Africa, an intellectual curiosity that makes this sphere an exciting laboratory for scientific research on decentralisation and the reconstruction of local communities. The latter are the foundation of democratic, integrated, secure and prosperous societies. Sharing this analysis, the newly created Centre of Excellence for Local Governance in Africa (CEGLA), in addition to its Master’s programme, has set up its doctoral programme. Main research topics are Finance and financial management of local governments; Local governance and sustainable development; Migration, peace and security; Local government partnership and cooperation; CEGLA and local government baseline studies, monitoring and evaluation. The CEGLA website normally hosts an extensive database of basic documentation, legal texts and articles on local governance in Western Africa and beyond.

    • Scholarships

    The CEGLA in Africa regularly awards DAAD scholarships for particpating in the CEGLA Master and PhD programmes. The calls for applications are published on DIGI-FACE.


    DU 05 AU 07 NOVEMBRE 2024 DAKAR AU SENEGAL Chers universitaires, professionnels et étudiants, Pour le colloque à venir, certaines dates limites ont été modifiées. Il…



    DU 05 AU 07 NOVEMBRE 2024 DAKAR AU SENEGAL Chers universitaires, professionnels et étudiants, Depuis quelques années, le Centre d´Excellence de Gouvernance Locale en Afrique (CEGLA)…



    Le CEGLA lance un appel d'offre pour la consultation internationale sur la modernisation des supports numériques. Veuillez trouver les informations nécessaires dans le TDR ci-dessous.…


    Appel à candidature pour les bourses doctorales du DAAD – CEGLA 2023

    Chers universitaires, professionnels et étudiants,  Pour le compte de cette nouvelle année universitaire, le programme African Excellence du DAAD à travers le Centre d’Excellence de…


    Colloque scientifique international DAAD – CEGLA 2022 à Niamey

    Le colloque scientifique annuel du CEGLA a de nouveau été un succès. De nombreux acteurs ont pu échanger sur le transfert des compétences et du…


    Appel à candidature pour les bourses doctorales du DAAD – CEGLA 2022 à Bamako et Niamey

    Chers universitaires, professionnels et étudiants,  Pour le compte de cette nouvelle année universitaire, le programme African Excellence du DAAD à travers le Centre d’Excellence de…


    Appel à candidature pour les bourses doctorales du DAAD – CEGLA 2022 à Dakar

    Pour le compte de cette nouvelle année universitaire, le programme African Excellence du DAAD à travers le Centre d’Excellence de Gouvernance Locale en Afrique (CEGLA)…



    DU 29 NOVEMBRE AU 01 DECEMBRE 2022 NIAMEY AU NIGER Chers universitaires, professionnels et étudiants, La coordination du projet du Centre d’Excellence de Gouvernance Locale en…


    CEGLA delegation at the DAAD network meeting in Accra, September 2023

    CEGLA network meeting at Arnold Bergstraesser Institut in Freiburg, February 2023

    How does administration work in Niger? Visit of the municipality of Simiri, November 2019

    International scientific conference organised by CEGLA in Niamey ,November 2019

    CEGLA meeting at the CEGLA partner Arnold Bergstraesser Institut in Freiburg, June 2019

    CEGLA Project Meeting in at the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl, June 2019

    Inauguration of the CEGLA centre in Dakar with Prof. Bayala, General Director of CESAG, and Stephan Röken, Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany in Senegal

    Inauguration of the Centre CEGLA in Dakar with Dr. Harouna Diallo, Project Leader CEGLA at USJPB, and Stefan Bienefeld, Head of Division, Development Cooperation and Transregional Programmes, DAAD

    Inauguration of the Centre CEGLA in Dakar with Dr. Mamane Djibo, Project Leader CEGLA at UAMN, and Stefan Bienefeld, Head of Division, Development Cooperation and Transregional Programmes, DAAD

    Prof. Dr. Ewald Eisenberg, Project Leader CEGLA

    Prof. Dr. Ewald Eisenberg, Project Leader CEGLA, Dr. Mamane Djibo Project Leader at UAMN, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pattar, Deputy Project Leader (f.l.t.r.)

    CEGLA as part of the steering committee in the project Digital Initiative for the African Centres of Excellence DIGI-FACE

    CEGLA members at the Kick-Off Meeting of the DIGI-FACE project

    CEGLA members at the Kick-Off Meeting of the DIGI-FACE project

    Members of the CEGLA Alumni network

    CEGLA Master students in Bamako, Mali

    CEGLA Master students in Niamey, Niger

    Coopération USJPB-CEGLA : don de livre du Centre d’Excellence pour la Gouvernance Locale en Africain (CEGLA) en aout 2024. (Prof. Paul TRAORE, Recteur par interim de l´USJPB et Prof. Harouna DIALLO, Point focal CEGLA Mali)
    Le Centre d’Excellence pour la Gouvernance Locale en Afrique (CEGLA) a fait un don de livre à l’Université des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de Bamako.
    Cette deuxième du genre a été reçu de la main de son coordinateur Pr Harouna DIALLO. Selon Pr DIALLO, le centre évolue dans les domaines social, économique, environnemental et sécuritaire regroupant 3 universités de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (le Mali, le Niger et le Sénégal). Le centre d’intérêt de la recherche attribue régulièrement des bourses DAAD pour participer aux programmes de master et de doctorat.
    Le Recteur par intérim Pr Paul TRAORE a salué les efforts du projet du CEGLA qui intervient dans le programme de master en gouvernance locale et gestion publique logé au sein de la Faculté de Droit Public. Le centre intervient également aux programmes de doctorat et de recherche axés sur la décentralisation.
    Ce don de publication en science juridique, sur la gouvernance constitutionnelle, politique et de gestion publique est une action de soutien à l’USJPB. Elle va renforcer la connaissance de apprenants et le corps professoral de l’Université.


    Our Members and Alumni strive for Excellence

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    Youssef AMMINOU
    Dr. Mamby KEITA Enseignant-chercheur Université des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de Bamako
    Saidou Moussa
    Modio N'Deye Sow
    Nomaou DAN LAMSO Responsable Bureau National Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF Niger
    MAMANE IRO Tanimoune
    Dr. Daouda TRAORE professeur d'enseignement supérieur Université des Sciences Juridiques et politiques de Bamako
    Schilan Stach Project Coordinator University of Applied Sciences Kehl
    AsgroNof AsgroNof
    Student Adamou Mamane Sabi'ou student CEGLA
    Explorer l’environnement Online

