
Ewald Eisenberg

Kehl, Germany

Current professional activity

  • Project Leader CEGLA+DIGI-FACE – University of Applied Sciences Kehl

Slogan about myself

Look always foreword, never back

Languages Rating 1-10

speaking: 1
writing: 1

Publications and Projects


Coopération interuniversitaire avec les pays du Sahel – entre faiblesses structurelles et adaptation au contexte

The article "Coopération interuniversitaire avec les pays du Sahel - entre faiblesses structurelles et adaptation au contexte" discusses the challenges and necessary adaptations in inter-university cooperation between universities of the Global North and universities in Sahelian countries. It highlights structural...

Decentralisation, subsidiarity and capacity development for local governments in francophone West Africa

There is an obvious general trend towards decentralisation in West Africa. This leads to changes in administrative structure. In this article, we develop and elaborate on a point that is often overlooked in decentralisation reform, namely local government capacity. We...