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    SDG University Day 2024
    18.07.2024 DIGI-FACE, Events | Yannis Tränkner

    We are delighted to share the highlights and successes of the third Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) University Day Baden-Württemberg, which took place on 28 June…


    Visit of Dr Susan Kurgat of CERM-ESA in Kehl
    10.07.2024 CERM-ESA, DIGI-FACE | Elisa Adams

    DIGI-FACE welcomed Dr Susan Kurgat from our partner university Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya at Kehl University of Applied Sciences. Dr Susan Kurgat is the…


    E-Learning Training at Nelson Mandela University
    06.06.2024 CEMEREM, DIGI-FACE, Education | Nashon Adero

    Remotopia, or remote working, has become a buzzword. In a world becoming increasingly connected through a meshed network of digital spaces, a progressive realisation of the metaverse concept, universities cannot be left behind if they are to produce market-ready graduates for the new borderless knowledge generation and research environment. Proficiency in utilising digital tools to enhance learning outcomes is critical to reaching new heights of excellence for any modern university.


    09.04.2024 CEGLA, DIGI-FACE, Education, Governance, IT | Schilan Stach

    Le CEGLA lance un appel d'offre pour la consultation internationale sur la modernisation des supports numériques. Veuillez trouver les informations nécessaires dans le TDR ci-dessous.…


    Appel à candidature – Ouverture en février des cours en français
    09.02.2024 DIGI-FACE, General - DAAD | Elisa Adams

    Nous sommes très enthousiaste de vous annoncer l'ouverture de la phase de candidature pour les deux modules disponibles pour la première fois en français qui…


    DIGI-FACE@Conference on Land Policy in Africa (CLPA) 2023
    23.11.2023 Alumni, DIGI-FACE | Hannes Köninger

    Open Digital Formats & Alumni Activities for the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) 23 November 2023 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia From…


    GGCDS Annual Workshop 2023 culminates 15 years of collaboration, celebrates success stories
    15.11.2023 Alumni, DIGI-FACE, General - DAAD, GGCDS | Ebenezer Acquah

    The Ghanaian-German Centre for Development Studies (GGCDS) has held the 2023 edition of the Annual Collaboration Workshop. The event gathered alumni, students, programme coordinators, and partners…


    Atelier sur Moodle Novembre 2023 : Appel à candidatures
    07.11.2023 CCAM, DIGI-FACE, General - DAAD, PRO-RUWA, WAC-SRT | Elisa Adams

    Cet atelier s'adresse au personnel académique et administrative des Centres d'Excellence Francophones et les passionnés de l’apprentissage en ligne qui souhaitent améliorer leur maîtrise de…


    DIGI-FACE Centre Administrator Training in Accra | 28 and 29 Sept 2023
    12.10.2023 DIGI-FACE, General - DAAD | Hannes Köninger

    Making use of DIGI-FACE: Discovering, Using and Improving the DIGI-FACE platform together In order to support the Centres of the African Excellence Programme's in the…


    Invitation to an East African workshop on Moodle
    04.09.2023 DIGI-FACE, General - DAAD | Paul Webb

    Are you ready to take your learning platform to new heights? Join us for one and a half day face-to-face East African Regional training session…

