The Club adopts a three-arm administrative structure: The advisory board; Coordinators; and Sub committees/members.
The Advisory team are the highest body that ensures that the activities of the Club falls in line with the broad objectives of the organization. They provide guidance to the Coordinating team on the design and implementation of projects. They as much as possible give a free hand to the Coordinating team running the affairs of the Club. They facilitate the Clubs access to and collaboration with key stakeholders.
The Coordination team comprises of five coordinators: General Coordinator; Coordinator for Gender and Communication; Finance and Administration Coordinator; Coordinator for research and Planning; and Coordinator for Activities and Projects. This team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Club. It is headed by the General Coordinator who ensures that the other Coordinators carry-out their duties based on the adopted action plan. He/she leads or delegates other coordinators to lead in lobbying partnerships, design of projects, facilitate the Club’s activities and ensures that members’ concerns are addressed. The Gender and Communications Coordinator is specially headed by a lady. She ensures that females are properly integrated into the Club’s activities. She equally designs activities that aim at empowering girls for social functioning. She is also responsible to communicating the Club’s activities and projects on our social media pages.
The Finance and Administration Coordinator leads in the mobilization of funds for the proper functioning of the Club. S/he ensures that strategies or activities run by the Club will raise some revenue for Club. S/he ensures the balancing of the Clubs account and implements financial controls. The Research and Planning Coordinator engages in finding out what actions if implemented could impact positively on the image of the Club and its audience. S/he is constantly looking for project opportunities that can advance the Club. S/he collaborates with the Activities and Projects Coordinator. The Activities and Projects Coordinator ensures that S/he advises the coordination team on activities and project opportunities. He studies the opportunities to see if the Club has the capacity to undertake it or if collaborating with other organizations will be feasible.
The Coordination team seek the advice of the Advisory team anytime they deem it fit. They are however responsible for keeping the Advisory team informed of its activities. In cases were some challenges may be beyond their capacity to solve, they seek the help of the advisory team and finding a sustainable solution.
The third arm of the administrative structure are the members and sub-committees. They are the first people the Coordinating team are accountable to. They help in the planning and organization of the Club’s activities. They form sub-committees to facilitate the administration of the Club. They have a disciplinary committee that directly receive grievances from members and the coordinating team. They propose sanctions for coordinators and members who act contrary to the Club’s code of conduct. In the case a coordinator acts contrary to the internal regulations of the Club, they sanction they coordinator and if they think it should be escalated to the advisory team, then they do that. They are independent and provides fair hearing to the accused.
Coordination teams
First Coordination team: 2018-2020

Second Coordination team: 2020-2022

Third Coordination Team: 2022-2023