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    Our scientific community

    The heart of our platform and our network are our members. This section provides an overview of all DIGI-FACE members indicating detailed information, i.e. their profession, their location, their interests, etc.
    You can connect with other members and learn more about areas of speciality as well as their achievements. This is also the ideal space to present yourself and your achievements to the world, to find other members specialising in your particular field and to get in contact with them. We believe this is a good space to draw inspiration from your fellow DIGI-FACE members and alumni.

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    Alma Uusiku
    Rahab Uwamahoro Masters student in embedded and mobile system Nelson mandela african institution of science and technology
    Ms Ange Josiane Uwayisenga
    Jacqueline Uwimbabazi
    Christina Valonge
    Eldridge van der Westhuizen
    Dr Eldridge van der Westhuizen Digi-Face IT Architect & Engineer Nelson Mandela University
    Eldridge2 van der Westhuizen 1 1
    Johan van Niekerk Professor Noroff University College
    Ahmed Vandy