Internal Publication
Exploring the role of organizational mindfulness on cloud computing and firm performance: the case of Kenyan organizations
The popularity and use of cloud computing has largely been driven by the reported benefits on firm performance. Despite this technology providing a paradigm shift in information technology (IT) services, the process through which the adoption of cloud computing effects organizational performance in the context of developing countries is still unclear. The aim of this study is to provide a theoretical discussion that advances our understanding about the mediating and moderating roles of organizational mindfulness in the context of cloud computing adoption and organizational performance. A research model is developed and tested using structural equation modelling. A firm level cross sectional survey was conducted on a sample of 180 organizations in the financial, manufacturing and IT sectors in Kenya. The findings reveal that organizations need to systematically develop mindfulness capabilities to benefit from the adoption of cloud, and IT innovations in general. The study has implications for research and practice
Uploaded by: John OredoAuthor: Oredo, John | ORCID: 0000-0002-7855-5175
Co-author: Dennehy, Denis
Institution: University of Nairobi | Centre: Sustainable Operations for Resource Management and Food Supply (SCO)
Type: Journal article | English | Peer Reviewed
Subjects: ICT
Published: Information Systems Frontiers, EISSN 1572-9419, ISSN 1387-3326 | Berlin?: Springer Nature
Date: 04 November 2022 | Pages: 22 pages
Copyright: © The Authors | License: Open Access