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    CERM-ESA Partner Institutions

    Project Partner

    The Moi University

    The Moi University School of Education is based in Eldoret and offers various undergraduate and postgraduate courses. It plays a vital role in educational development in the region.

    Project Partner

    The Nelson Mandela University

    The Mandela Universtiy in Port Elizabeth is one of the leading universities in the field of teacher education and education research in South Africa. It cooperates with universities all over Africa and beyond. 

    Project Partner

    University of Oldenburg

    The University of Oldenburg builds on an almost 200-years long tradition in teacher education and is known for excellent, research-oriented study programmes in initial teacher education and the professional development of teachers.

    Network Partners


    The Uganda Managemnet Instiute & The University of Dar es Salaam

    The Uganda Management Institute and the University of Dar es Salaam supplement CERM-ESA research, teaching and staff development with specific expertise in educational and management sciences.
