Scientific working and publishing 17-21 Oct 2022

Pro-RUWA offers a Scientific Working and Publishing course in natural/agricultural science. The course will give participants the chance to acquire and/or refine and practice their scientific working skills, to get insights into various software packages and online tools, as well as to learn useful tips and tricks while writing up theses and articles. Lastly, it enables the student to develop publication strategies by using journal metrics and being aware of publication options. The focus and context of the course will be in the field of life sciences. Please note: this offer is no scientific writing course.

Duration: 5days, 6 hours per day.

Date: 17-21 Oct 2022, from 09:00 – 16:00 Benin time

Form: The venue will be at University of Abomey-Calavi (Cotonou, Benin), online materials will be available).

Number of participants: 15

Finance: For Pro-RUWA scholars, the project covers all of your travel expenses including a round-trip ECONOMY airplane ticket (or bus ticket), local transport, hotel costs, and food. Non-Pro-RUWA scholars attend in presence at University of Abomey Calavi (Benin) or online free of charge.

Requirement: Master, PhD students, and PostDoc, lecturers working with a topic of agriculture or relevant from African Excellence Centers, especially from University of Dedougou (Burkina Faso), University of Abomey Calavi (Benin), and University of Abdou Moumouni de Niamey (Niger). The course will be in English. External applications will be accepted if the space is available.

Application deadline: 01 Sep 2022 (CEST). Please indicate the course of interest in the application. The application includes (1) a CV (maximum two pages), (2) short motivation letter (maximum one page). All documents are in one pdf in English and send to:

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