DIGI-FACE Publication Area Webinar
Researchers, supervisors, and post graduate students are invited to learn more on how to add theses, published articles, books and other research content to the Publication pages on the DIGI-FACE platform.
The Information help pages discussion will focus on citation management, open access licensing and databases, the ORCID and predatory journals.
Please join us on 12 February at 14:00 (SAST – South African Standard Time)

DIGI-FACE – Digital Initative for African Centres of Excellence represented by:
University of Applied Sciences Kehl
Kehl Institute of Applied Research (KIAF)
Projects International Cooperation and Development
Kinzigallee 1, D- 77694 Kehl
+49 7851 894143
Contact: digiface[at]hs-kehl.de