We are very delighted to invite you to our first event in 2022! It is our pleasure to announce a keynote lecture on the Special Criminal Court (SCC) in the Central African Republic by Judge Prof. Dr. Volker Nerlich on 29 April 2022, 14:00 (CET). Prof. Nerlich will provide an overview on the court’s structure and work.

Prof. Nerlich is serving as an international judge at the appeals chamber of the SCC and is honorary professor of law at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Prof. Nerlich studied law at Humboldt-Universität, where he also received his doctoral degree. His dissertation studies focused on the role of criminal prosecutions in the South African transitional justice process. In addition, Prof. Nerlich holds a LL.M. degree from the University of the Western Cape. Since 2004 he has worked at the International Criminal Court in various capacities, lastly as head of the chambers.

The event will take place online. Please register via transcrim.rewi@hu-berlin.de.

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