Have you been teaching the traditional way for many years? Has online lecturing piqued your interest? In that case, we have something for you.

DIGI-FACE is offering another run of its Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning module in January. It discusses how to apply universal learning principles to the design of online courses. So it offers you the opportunity to use what you already know for your online teaching. The course will also demonstrate how to put those learning principles into practice on our Learning Management System Moodle.

If this sounds interesting to you, we highly encourage you to apply. Although lecturers will benefit from the course most, students with an interest in the topic are also welcome.

As always, the course is free of charge, and open to everyone who is a member of the African Centres of Excellence and the Global Centres for Health and Climate. The full course will last about four weeks and will include three synchronous Zoom sessions. Please see the attached PDF for time and date. Feel free to share this call with your peers.

If you would like to apply, please click here (make sure to be logged in, or the application form will not display).

We look forward to starting another year of many learning opportunities with you soon!

All the best

Your DIGI-FACE team

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