starting in April 2025.

The West African-German network „Promoting Academic Capacities for Sustainable Agricultural Resources Use in West Africa“ – Pro-RUWA aims to train a new generation of regionally and internationally educated young scientists, entrepreneurs, and administrators. Future decision makers in francophone West Africa will be capacitated to jointly overcome bottlenecks in resource overuse and food insecurity at the national and regional level by fostering university education, international relations, regional development, and operational links between the academic, public and private sector. Pro-RUWA therefore tries to strengthen its teaching capacities and local impact by developing transdisciplinary approaches and online courses. One of those is the transdisciplinary SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE USE INVOLVING LOCAL COMMUNITIES, APPLYING TRANSDISCIPLINARY METHODS – a training course to moderate between science and the public.

Content and aim

The hybrid 10-day training course implies a 3-days online course and a 7-days on-site workshop in Benin. The training is to provide an intercultural, inter- and transdisciplinary learning and exchange platform for PhD candidates and young scientists in the agricultural sciences domain from different countries, representing different scientific discipline and doing research on sustainable development and global change.

The training course focuses on the sustainable management and governance of as well as tensions on resources, landscapes and protected areas and the involvement of local communities.

The programme includes the following blocks:

  • Conceptual seminar providing insights into concepts of and debates on sustainable resources use and local/indigenous knowledge (partly online/self-paced)
  • A methodological seminar where participants will discuss current trends, goals and suitable methodologies of transdisciplinary research (partly online/self-paced)
  • Case studies focusing on the topic of the summer-school

Transdisciplinary research is an approach that enables us to bring together different perspectives from science and society and to advance the solution of real problems. Participants will gain a deepened understanding of the challenges of sustainable resource management and development, policy and conservation on a national and transnational level, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. Further, they will gain insights into the fundamentals and challenges of transdisciplinary research and practice.

Training on theories and frameworks will be accomplished by professional and regional expertise as well as input lectures by and discourses with experts, exercises, interdisciplinary group work, fieldwork, and peer-to-peer collaboration.

Further information and how to apply, use the link here

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  1. Emile KABORE says:

    Waouh, very great opportunity to learn more

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