Internal Publication
Barriers and enablers of educational inclusion of children in street situations in Uganda
Introduction: Children in street situations pose a complex global challenge. They represent one of the most difficult-to-reach groups, facing exclusion from mainstream schools due to societal and health barriers (Uthayakumar & Vlamings, 2019). The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda strives to ensure education for all, leaving no one behind. Despite global progress in primary school (estimated at 91% enrolment), information on the status of children in street situations remains largely unaccounted (Uthayakumar & Vlamings, 2019)…
Mtaita (2015) emphasises that the self-perceptions of children in street situations shape their decisions regarding education. Strategies to address negative perceptions must be developed before their enrolment in schools. While researchers and scholars have emphasised inclusive education for children with disabilities and other special needs, educational inclusion for children in street situations has been neglected, resulting in scant empirical literature at both national and international levels. Overall, these insights underscore the multifaceted challenges faced by children in street situations and emphasise the need for comprehensive, targeted interventions to facilitate their access to education. This justifies the main research question for this chapter: ‘What are the barriers and enablers of educational inclusion for children in street situations in Uganda?’
Author: Atuhaire, Annah
Co-author: Kindiki, Jonah Nyaga | ORCID:
Co-author: Kyohairwe, Stella | ORCID:
Co-author: Kurgat, Susan | ORCID:
Institution: Moi University | Centre: East and South African-German Centre for Educational Research, Methodologies and Management (CERM-ESA)
Type: Chapter in book | English | Peer Reviewed
Subjects: Education
Published in: Education research in African context: traditions and new beginnings for knowledge and impact. ISBN: 978-1-0672535-0-9 (paper), EISBN: 978-1-0672535-1-6 (eBook), EISBN: 978-1-0672535-2-3 (ePub) | | Chapter 9
Publisher of document: Somerset West, Cape Town: African Minds
Date: 2024 | Pages: 135 - 149
Copyright: © 2024 African Minds | License: Open Access: CC BY 4.0