DIGI-FACE welcomed Dr Susan Kurgat from our partner university Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya at Kehl University of Applied Sciences. Dr Susan Kurgat is the project coordinator of the East and South African-German Centre of Excellence for Educational Research Methodologies and Management (CERM-ESA) at Moi University. CERM-ESA was one of the first centres to be established under the DAAD-funded African Excellence programme. The centre’s work is already bearing fruit, as can be read in the DAAD press release here.

Dr Susan Kurgat is currently on sabbatical, which she is using to visit partner universities. First she visited the University of Oldenburg and now we welcome her to the University of Kehl.

In addition to discussing and collaborating on current activities, we also discussed possible scenarios for the long-term future of the DIGI-FACE platform and the role that Moi University could play in this. A large proportion of our generic module facilitators come from Moi University. This shows the strong commitment of the faculty and alumni to e-learning and the DIGI-FACE project.

We are very happy about the visit and the close partnership!

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  1. Evans Mos says:

    Thank you Kehl University of Applied Sciences for warmly welcoming Prof. Dr. Susan Kurgat.

    Kurgat’s passion for educational research and digital learning has been truly contagious. It’s because of her enthusiasm that some of us became so interested in this field. Her guidance has been instrumental in helping us achieve our academic goals, which we still continue to realize. Make her sabbatical stay endearing 🙂

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