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    18.01.2023 WAC-SRT | David AGBO

    On the 18th January, the project team from CSDAC visited Karra - DOSSO Region (the project community) to engage with leaders on securing a parcel…


    Master Thesis Defense
    30.11.2022 Agriculture, General - DAAD, IT, WAC-SRT | David AGBO

    Topic: Assessment of the potential biomass resources for a sustainable energy management in Niger It was on Monday, 28th November 2022, that M. Amadou Mounkaila…


    L’Ambassade de la République Fédérale de l’Allemagne au Niger, Célèbre « La fête de l’Unité Allemande » à Niamey
    11.11.2022 DIGI-FACE, General - DAAD, WAC-SRT | David AGBO

    Réunis autour de l’Ambassadeur de la République Fédérale d’Allemagne au Niger, son Excellence M Hermann NICOLAI, la fête de l'unité allemande a été célébrée dans…


    Master’s defense at the West African Centre for Sustainable Rural Transformation (WAC-SRT Niger)
    29.10.2022 General - DAAD, WAC-SRT | David AGBO

    On Saturday, October 22, 2022 marked the public oral presentation and examination for the end of the training for Mr. Armel Lémonla OTEKPO in the…


    WAC-SRT students’ Climate and Sustainable Development Action Club kicks-off youth-empowering capacity building
    07.12.2020 WAC-SRT | Aline Pereira

    This Monday, 07th December  2020, a highly committed and motivated group of WAC-SRT students, the Climate and Sustainable Development Action Club (CSDAC), launches an innovative capacity building on “Enterpreneurship and Empowerement of Nigerien Youth in the face of Covid-19”. The project is one of 25 award-winning initiatives selected among more than 1300 applications from 14 countries […]


    A boost for regional sustainable development: West African Centre for Sustainable Rural Transformation launched in Ghana
    11.07.2019 WAC-SRT | Brendan Proctor

    July 11, 2019. Launch ceremony at the University for Development Studies in Wa, Ghana, with more than 100 high-ranking participants, students and researchers from six West African countries and Germany on June 26, 2019. The West African Center for Sustainable Rural Transformation will address technological, socio-economic, socio-political, administrative and cultural aspects of sustainable rural transformation. […]


    West African Center for Sustainable Transformation (WAC-SRT), Update April 2018
    03.05.2018 WAC-SRT | Brendan Proctor

    Bonn, April 2018. The West African Center for Sustainable Transformation (WAC-SRT) is one of eight Centers of African Excellence funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD under the “Aktion Afrika” initiative of the German Federal Foreign Office. What is the WAC-SRT and what does it want to achieve? Established in 2017, WAC-SRT has been […]


    Calls for Application: Master Programs of the NEW West African Center for Sustainable Rural Transformation (WAC-SRT) in Ghana and Niger, 2018
    06.04.2018 WAC-SRT | Brendan Proctor

    Dear colleagues, since last November the West African Center for Sustainable Rural Transformation (WAC-SRT) has joined the African Excellence initiative. It is run in collabotration between the Center for Development Research (ZEF) University of Bonn, Germany, the Université Abdou Moumouni (UAM) in Niamey, Niger, the University for Development Studies (UDS), Wa and Tamale, Ghana and […]


    The Centres of African Excellence programme welcomes two new centres in West Africa!!!
    12.10.2017 CEGLA, General - DAAD, WAC-SRT | Brendan Proctor

    Following a journey of Chancellor Angela Merkel to West Africa in 2016, the DAAD was mandated by the German Government to support the establishment of two new Centres of Excellence. The Centres shall contribute to the mitigation of increasing economic hardship and a widespread lack of prospects for much of the population in West Africa, […]

