“Vor der Schippe ist es duster!”, is a German miners saying, meaning “It’s dark in front of the shovel.”
We have put some light there and now the image video of the centre is ready to be presented.


After some changes in the hosting of the DAADs website, finally the new image video of the Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management is also ready to be implemented in your website.

As with the videos before, follow these steps:

  1. go to http://www.zazudesign.de/die-schwarzwald-werbeagentur/embed-video/ and copy the code, after you have chosen the centre in the drop down menu
  2. paste the code in the HTML-code of you website
  3. Done!

The videos maximum width is 640 pixel. Up to this size it will adjust automatically to different screen sizes (smart phone, laptop). You can choose between the original version in English, with English subtitles and with German subtitles.


If you need the video for a live presentation, please contact Sylvia Vogt or Dr. Dorothee Weyler in Bonn .They have different versions available for bigger screens and beamer.


For any questions, just send me a mail:



Author: Thomas Hezel

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