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    Adding a New Project

    1 min read

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    To create a new project select “New Project” under the Projects tab.

    Fill in the details of the project you would like to create.

    Notes: #

    • When naming a project be as specific as possible as other users may have similar projects. Consider adding a year or team name to avoid confusion.
    • The “Project Category” allows users to compartmentalize the project. Users should select a category that applies to the context of the project. Only one category can be selected for each project.
    • Project details can be added to give co-workers, managers details regarding the project.
    • Users who are part of a project can be added to the project. Their designation for the project can also be included in the project.
    • Once a project has been added several tools will be available to track the details of the project. This includes the Task Lists, Discussions, Files and More.
    • The project details can still be changed by clicking on the pen icon. This allows the user to change the project name, category description and users.
    • The task can be marked “Complete” or deleted by clicking on cog wheel icon.
    • Clicking on the note tab provides a user with a description of the Project.

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